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Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator

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Qtica Nail Growth Stimulator 0.25oz
Qtica Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5oz
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Zoya is the Healthy Color or Fashion! Big 10 Free Ultra Long-wearing, toxin free nail polish and treatments formulated without Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde Resin, Dibutyl Phthalate, Toluene, Camphor, TPHP, Parabens, Xylene, Ethyl Tosylamide and Lead.

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17 Reviews
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THIS stuff WORKS!! I can`t think of anything else to say but that! USE IT!! You will be SO glad you did!!
-Henderson, NV
Consumer Review

Works Wonders

Let me preface by saying that I have never written a review for any product before, and I do a lot of shopping online. I felt compelled to write this because Qtica`s Natural Nail Growth Stimulator exceeded my expectations. For a few years now, my nails have been weak, splitting, and dry. Taking biotin supplements seemed to help, but of course that takes months to see any difference. However, after using the Nail Growth Stimulator for 2 weeks, my nails are growing easy and the split layers are almost completely grown out. They are noticeably stronger (I spend my work day on a computer), and I actually have some length again! I kept the product on the entire time, only removing it a couple times to apply a fresh coat or two. So, if you`re experiencing the same difficulties with your nails as i was, this is definitely worth the price. I will be making Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator a staple in my nail care wardrobe.
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth StimulatorLove,Love,Love!

I`m always looking for the best nail growth stimulator on the market. I`ve probably used over ten different products within a ten year expansion. I have very long 1 1/2 nails, strong and healthy nails and I do believe these products have contributed to them be healthy. But..... when I started on the Qtica, I must say My nails absorbed the product so quickly I was in disbelief. I`ve finally stop searching and I`m completely in love with this product.(MINE,MINE,MINE)!
Location-WI, USA
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozI am a believer!

I`ve never had trouble getting my nails to grow. However, my tips would always end up in poor shape. They were weak, and they would peel and break. I was skeptical at first as to whether or not Natural Nail Growth Stimulator would make a difference, but I took a chance. Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator has completely changed the state of my nails for the better. They`re long, hard, and free of peeling or breaking. Simply amazing! Qtica is most definitely worth every penny!
Jamie @ Fancy Schmancy Nails
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth StimulatorIt Really Works!!

My nails have ALWAYS peeled, especially when I cut/file them, and nothing I tried ever helped. But after using this product for 2 months, my nails are long and strong w/NO peeling! They used to be so weak the tips would bend, but they are so strong now, I can`t budge them! This is truly a miracle product, and worth every single penny!
Location-NY. NY
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozGFF Must Haves!

I discovered this product at the RED DOOR Spa of Elizabeth Arden at Fifth Ave NYC, and have bought it fr there regularly since. They stopped carrying the brand sometime ago, and I tried all commercially available nail growth products, nothing worked like this! Amidst my busy sched, I`m glad I searched online. Use it as basecoat for any polish incl gel polish. Results guaranteed :-)
Nina J.
Location-New York City
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth StimulatorBest Base or Top Coat EVER

I have nails that peel easily (largely due to over-washing my hands). As a result, polish chips very easily. I tried gel manicures for a few months and my nails pretty much lost all life. I bought this as a last resort and used it alone for two weeks. My nails didn`t strengthen too much in that period, but I tried it as a base coat with Zoya anchor, polish and armor and it was been amazing. My polish has lasted for almost a week with no real chips (the polish has worn away a little on corners but NO CHIPS!). This is truly remarkable for how often my hands are in water. Usually polish chips within two days for me. Last night I even used this as a top coat and it helped moisturize my nails and keep the polish on. I am so happy! I wish it wasn`t so expensive but hey it`s worth it!
Location-New Hampshire
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozLOVE IT!

I got this with my share the love points and I am so glad I did!! My nails look incredible!
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozThis is the only product that really works!

I don`t say that unless I mean it, and after having acrylic nails for ten years, I got tired of getting fills and I just wanted natural nails again. I asked the advice of my salon`s owner, and she recommended this product. I felt that I had tried them all and nothing helped strengthen my nails, but I have used this for over a year. I put two coats on after I file my nails. I remove it after one week and reapply. It`s amazing. My nails are strong and lovely. I keep them rather short, just for convenience, but they look great. Thanks for a wonderful product.
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozCrappy Brush/Cap

While I felt like this did make my nails grow faster, it didn`t really help with my nail pealing. The real problem was that the brush always stuck to the bottle when I opened it and I would have to crack it off, and then screw the cap back on to pick the brush back up. Until one day it went on crooked, there was an audible cracking, and I couldn`t get the brush to come back out to straighten it out. Then the lid wouldn`t close all the way and within two weeks, most of the product had hardened. Money wasted.
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozFantastic Product

I started using this product a couple of months ago. It is wonderful. My nails have always grown quickly, but they broke easily and peeled a lot. After using this my nails are much stronger and I don`t have to worry about the breaks or the peeling. I can actually keep my nails longer now than I could in the past. I use is as a base under my polish or on its own. I recommend this to anyone who needs help with problem nails.
simple girl
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulatorfantastic

Best product I have ever used. I have disliked other nail strengthers so much I would just stop using them. I got tired of a thick coat of something on my nail that never actually made my nails stronger. This is a great product to wear alone or as a base coat. It has a great gloss without appearing too shiny. Quick dry time. Less than a minute. Love it!
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozIt works wonders!

I`ll admit it, I`m a nail-chewer. During a particularly bad period, I gnawed my nails down below the quick. They hurt and they looked horrid. I haven`t even used one bottle of the Growth Stimulator, and they look fabulous! They grow quickly, they`re stronger, and I`m able to keep them covered in beautiful Zoya colors too keep them out of my mouth, lol. Thank you, Zoya!
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozThis stuff is incredible!!

I bought this some time ago, never consistently using it. Recently came across it and decided to use it regularly. My nails have never grown in my life, they`ve been so weak they`d even catch and bend backward. Ouch! They also peeled in layers. As soon as they would grow a little it would start and I would pick and peel until there was nothing left. Now after using the Nail Growth Stimulator my nails are hard, no peeling here, not to mention growing steadily. And it stays on great, I put it under and on top of 1-2 coats of polish and it`s actually work to get it all off my nails! I`m here today to order another bottle because no way I`d be without it now.
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth StimulatorReally Works

This really works. I could see and feel the difference after first 7 days. My nails were stronger and I definitely saw growth. It has been about 2 months since I started using this product and my nails never looked better. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who wants great natural nails without switching to artificial nails.
Location-Bethesda, MD
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth StimulatorGreat solution for problem nails.

I have disliked my nails all my life. They have always been flimsy and prone to peeling and breaking all the time from everyday use of my hands. However when I use this product according to the label instructions, I don`t have any of my typical nail problems. My nails grow out in less time, and they are much more strong and health-looking than usual. I am actually able to keep my nails long and even because they don`t break nearly as much. If you have problem nails that tend to stay short because they lack strength and integrity, I suggest you try this product. Trust me, it`s worth the money to get the results you want.
Location-Cleveland Hts
Consumer Review

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator 0.5ozMy Nail Must Have

I have to admit that I am guilty. I bought this product when it first came out and had amazing results. My nails grew and they got stronger as promised. I could have bought another bottle of Qtica, but nooo. I decided that it was too expensive so I would try some other products that were cheaper thinking they would work as well. So I tried one product, then another, then another and then another that had multiple formulas only to realize that none of them worked as well (infact my nails started to look worse than ever). To add insult to injury I had spent over $200 on different products only to realize that they did not work anywhere as well as Qtica.
I'm back to Qtica Nail Growth Stimulator. You have earned my loyalty and my recommendation to every friend and co-worker.
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